Alexandra Brodsky shows Twitter’s still getting it wrong

It’s no secret what the short-fingered, orange-haired ascendancy has enabled.

I’m reproducing Alexandra Brodsky’s words here, in addition to the image, so the search engines will have something to crawl:

This weekend, I received a series of harassing anti-Semitic tweets. Here are photos of two. To highlight the new normal in Trump’s America and put pressure on Twitter to suspend the users, I tweeted out these screenshots. As a result, my account — which I use professionally — has been suspended until I delete the tweet speaking out about the harassment.

So let’s get this straight: Twitter still hasn’t suspended all the bigots I reported, but they have suspended me for calling out bigotry.

I call bullshit.

Can a soulless algorithm possibly be this tone-deaf?

Not the first time Twitter’s dropped the ball, of course. We’ve discussed it here, here, and here. In particular, it’s worth recalling Lindy West’s warning that these garbage people have spent years refining their strategy of using the platform for targeted harassment of people they don’t like, and Twitter’s managers have done … what, exactly?

The white supremacist, anti-feminist, isolationist, transphobic “alt-right” movement has been beta-testing its propaganda and intimidation machine on marginalised Twitter communities for years now – how much hate speech will bystanders ignore? When will Twitter intervene and start protecting its users?

Thing is, even if this mistake is corrected and this charming fellow is suspended, what are the odds that he’ll just pop up again in 15 minutes with a new account?

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