The last couple of days at Toronto Council have been pretty, um, dramatic. Those of you following the #TOpoli action on the Tweetr know this already, of course.

But I’ve been wondering about how we, as citizens, can make our disapproval of Team Ford’s antics known without sinking to their level and without disrupting Council’s decorum. We’ve all seen how snippy the Speaker gets when people clap, or groan, or even laugh at some of the outrageous things coming from the mayoral rump (and I mean that in the what’s-left-of-a-political-bloc sense, smart-asses, not the anatomical sense).
Well, a few years ago in the United States, some folks had a good idea. Silent, dignified and effective, I think. Time to repurpose it.
(On a related matter, special thanks to Councillor Gord Perks. That’s good advice.)
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But I’ve been wondering about how we, as citizens, can make our disapproval of Team Ford’s antics known without sinking to their level and without disrupting Council’s decorum. We’ve all seen how snippy the Speaker gets when people clap, or groan, or even laugh at some of the outrageous things coming from the mayoral rump (and I mean that in the what’s-left-of-a-political-bloc sense, smart-asses, not the anatomical sense).
Well, a few years ago in the United States, some folks had a good idea. Silent, dignified and effective, I think. Time to repurpose it.
(On a related matter, special thanks to Councillor Gord Perks. That’s good advice.)
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