What we???re actually seeing, however, is complete inflexibility. In March, European leaders signed a fiscal pact that in effect locks in fiscal austerity as the response to any and all problems. Meanwhile, key officials at the central bank are ma…
Tag: economicjustice
Those who persist in demanding to have the Occupy movement’s goals spelled out for them are wilfully missing the point. Related posts: Setting up for #OccupyTO | #OccupyBaySt #OccupyWallStreet #ows How mainstream media is failing Occupy Wall Stree…
Thanks, @OpenFileTO. and just to keep hope alive … Related posts: More from Chris Hedges on #OccupyWallStreet: Why the Elites Are in Trouble Chris Hedges schools Kevin O’Leary | #OccupyWallStreet Beyond Kevin O’Leary: the Occupy movement and jou…