Owning your privilege: Saturday morning on the Tweeter

[View the story “Owning your privilege – a teachable moment with @neville_park, @madhatressTO, and @c_9” on Storify]
[View the story “Owning your privilege – a teachable moment with @neville_park, @madhatressTO, and @c_9” on Storify]via Owning your privilege – a teachable moment with @neville_park, @madhatressTO, and @c_9 (with tweets) · sol_chrom · Storify.
Sometimes it happens right in front of you in real time. Not saying I’m always the quickest learner, but even a clueless old white guy can occasionally recognize a worthwhile lesson. Especially when the cybersphere is roiled by questions of privilege, sexism and condescension.

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