One Mexican town finds more security by throwing out the police –

One Mexican town finds more security by throwing out the police –
Interesting piece in the Monitor about residents of a small Mexican community who evidently stood up to the drug cartels, illegal loggers, and corrupt police by “throwing them out” — the piece doesn’t explain how they managed that — and taking responsibility for their own security, managing their own local resources, and looking out for each other.
It sounds hopeful, until you start wondering: why haven’t the loggers, cartelistas and corrupt cops descended on places like this and carried out a massacre or two? Or at least “disappeared” a few local leaders? Pour encourager les autres.
And “throwing out” official authorities in order to re-assert local autonomy? Putting community needs ahead of corporate profits and international investors? Can’t picture that sitting well with the “free trade” advocates either. What if something like this were to spread?

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