@GraphicMatt dismantles @TOMayorFord on transit | #TOpoli #TTC #TeamFord


There’s no shortage of observers willing to blog, analyze, poke fun, and detail all the myriad injuries, both large and small, that Team Ford is inflicting upon the city. Irrational mean-spiritedness, making up “facts” as they go along, sandbagging rookie councillors, and an overall spirit of childish vindictiveness — everything they do contributes to the overall effect of making Toronto a smaller, meaner, dirtier and less functional place to live.

Special mention must go, however, to Matt Elliott for his dedicated, comprehensive, and thoroughly researched posts at Ford For Toronto. What’s especially admirable is that he never sinks to the kind of cheap invective you’ll find on sites like mine. He lays out the numbers and lets them speak for themselves.

Today’s post merits particular attention. In a few short paragraphs, Matt sets out just how badly Team Ford’s incomprehensible, incoherent approach to public transit sets us back. It’s an object lesson in the importance of a cautious, reasoned approach to public policy, and the cost of leaving these decisions in the hands of people who act like petulant five-year-olds.

Any wise guy can wank on about the stupidity of the “War on the Car” meme. Matt brings the facts. If you haven’t bookmarked his site, do it today.

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